ar—00063 Othmar Schoeck—Das stille Leuchten

ar—00063 Othmar Schoeck—Das stille Leuchten


One of the rare recordings of these colorful, intimate and powerful songs, Das stille Leuchten (composed 1946) is comprised of two separate volumes: Geheimnis und Gleichnis (Secrets and Similitudes) and Berg und See (Mountains and Lakes) by Swiss composer Othmar Schoeck (1886-1957) to evocative texts by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (1825-1898).

Captured in searing and colorful detail, the variety and sprawling artistic landscape of this under appreciated composer comes into vivid focus through these insightful and meticulous interpretations by two burnished and intelligent artists.

Highly recommended.

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…an exquisite Mezzo timbre and flawless technique.
— Opernwelt
She waxed effortlessly through the enormous vocal demands of the part, the jagged vocal lines, as well as the silky lyricism.
— Die Welt
Sung to perfection by the rich-voiced mezzo-soprano Clara O’Brien and superbly partnered by pianist James Douglass...
— Rafael de Acha ALL ABOUT THE ARTS

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