ar-00070—Deus et Machina-Sacred Music for Choir and Electronics

ar-00070—Deus et Machina-Sacred Music for Choir and Electronics
Deus et Machina, the second commercial recording release for the CCM Chorale, is (as reflected in its title—God and the Machine) a collection of sacred texts for choir, electronics, and additional instruments. With one exception, these are all world premiere commercial recordings.
The texts these composers chose to set draw from four different religious traditions. In the Beginning of Creation, Two Anthems (Yeow/Pax), and The Blessing of Aaron set texts from the Hebrew Scriptures, the first two in English, the last in Hebrew. Seven Last Words of Jesus Christ from the Cross uses texts from the Gospels in the original Aramaic. From the Tibetan Book of the Dead and Heart Sutra set texts from the Buddhist tradition, from Tibet and from Japan respectively. Shavad sets a text by Rumi, the great medieval Sufi mystic and poet.