ar—00022 Douglas Knehans CONCERTOS

ar—00022 Douglas Knehans CONCERTOS


"This is music of tremendous imagination. Knehans scores with a masterly hand, his sound paintbrush unerringly hitting the mark. The orchestral writing is magnificent (and beautifully realized here). All credit to the virtuosity of the Brno Philharmonic and the expert ear of their conductor, Mikel Toms, for delivering such a razor-sharp performance. A fascinating disc."
Fanfare Magazine—Colin Clarke


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Gold Medal GMA.png

Winner of Three Gold Medals

Gold Medal/Best of Show: Composition/Composer

Gold Medal: Album

Gold Medal: Classical

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ar—00071 Echo's Dream: Music of Symon Clarke

ar—00036 Douglas Knehans UNFINISHED EARTH ar-00036_BackCover_Knehans_2400.jpg

ar—00036 Douglas Knehans UNFINISHED EARTH

ar—00025 Symon Clarke POUR FINIR ENCORE 638339447250_Symon-Clarke_Backcover.jpg

ar—00025 Symon Clarke POUR FINIR ENCORE

ar—00012 Kawai Shiu FOR LOSS

ar—00012 Kawai Shiu FOR LOSS

ar—00002 Kawai Shiu UNASSUMING MUSIC

ar—00002 Kawai Shiu UNASSUMING MUSIC
